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Description: Using Xcode and Swift, learn how to develop real world iOS apps for the App Store. No programming experience required!
Price: $499
Instructor Profile: Swift Developer
Instruc... more ››
Description: Over 400+ videos taking you step-by-step through process of building 14 different applications in iOS 7 and XCode 5.
Price: $499
Instructor Profile: Designer, developer, teacher... more ››
Description: iOS App Development from scratch in 6 weeks - build full apps including Instagram and Snapchat Clones. With free Ebook
Price: $199
Instructor Profile: Web Developer And Teacher
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Description: A step by step guide to learn how to design a great mobile app.
Price: $99
Instructor Profile: Entrepreneur and designer
Instructor Info: ViewDetails
Provider: Udemy
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Description: A Ruby Programming Course Training Video. Learn Real-World Programming Techniques At Your Own Pace.
Price: $99
Instructor Profile: High Quality Training
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Description: Create Flexible, Interesting, and Usable Designs for Desktop &Mobile Websites with CSS tutorial for beginners using CSS3
Price: $59
Instructor Profile:
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Description: Web development from scratch in 6 weeks. HTML, JS, CSS, PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, Wordpress, APIs, Mobile Apps all covered.
Price: $199
Instructor Profile: Web Developer And Teache... more ››
Description: Android 5.0 development: Become an Android developer, learning Java writing 14 Android mobile apps. Ideal for Beginners!
Price: $199
Instructor Profile: Android Developer & Teac... more ››
Description: An advanced Javascript course for everyone! Scope, closures, prototypes, 'this', build your own framework, and more.
Price: $149
Instructor Profile: Software Developer, Architec... more ››
Description: Master AngularJS and the Javascript concepts behind it, design custom directives, and build a single page application.
Price: $99
Instructor Profile: Software Developer, Archite... more ››
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